About Us

We are the fitness place for anyone and everyone who is interested in moving, or at least knows they need to move for their health.  We are passionate about functional fitness because it sure as hell makes life easier.  

I have been writing functional fitness programming for the last ten years and I pride myself on writing for OUR COMMUNITY - challenging our fittest, most experienced members as well as scaling and modifying to our most novice and/or broken members.  If you show up we will have a workout for you.  We are not your typical CrossFit-ish gym.  We work hard to make everyone feel welcome and badass for showing up to put the work in.  There is a ton of hype out there about the all or nothing mentality, shoot for greatness or don't bother.  Well we think that is a load of crap.  We recognize that people have lives and maybe fitness is something that needs to get done instead of being the center of your universe.  We shoot to "get better", not go to the Games.  We encourage you to start where you are and get a little uncomfortable each day until that discomfort becomes your norm and before you know it, you are getting fitter and more capable.

We keep our programming varied but not random.  There is always a bigger plan to why we do things.  This variance keeps our bodies in a state of adaptation which is where growth/improvement happens.  

We are small in both space and membership, which fosters our connection.  We like this small community because it keeps us all a little more accountable.  As the head coach and owner, it allows me to develop stronger relationships with our members.  It allows me to know who is dealing with what and make thoughtful decisions about how I can best serve them in their fitness journey.  Our classes range is size from 2-10 people on any given day or time slot.  

When asked to describe our community, the best way I can put it is - "we are regular people trying to do right by our one body we've been given to inhabit for as long as we can."  In reality, the community here is anything BUT regular.  They are wonderful, kind, encouraging humans who genuinely want the best for one another... you won't find that everywhere. 

Don't believe me?  Come check us out